NIS Subgroups
Association of Private Practising Surveyors of Nigeria (A group of Siurveyors in private practice i.e not employed by any government parastatal or private company. They are charged with the responsibility of providing survey services to individuals & corporate organizations). This is the largest subgroup of the NIS and Lagos branch has the highest numbers in terms of membership strength
Women in Surveying (every female who is qualified to be a member of NIS)
The Young Surveyors Network (YSN) Lagos, is a State branch of the Young Surveyors Network of Nigeria (YSN Nigeria). YSN Nigeria is a sub-group of the Nigeria Institution Of Surveyors (NIS) and a strong member of the Young Surveyor Africa Network (YSN Africa). The NIS is a member association of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and YSN Africa is Regional Network under the FIG-YSN International.
YSN Lagos has the responsibility as stated by the FIG YSN International, to promote State, National, and International opportunities and experience among young minds, provide a forum for sharing and exchange of ideas, knowledge, skills and experience. In addition, YSNLagos seeks to create innovation that will help in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.